Thursday, August 7, 2008

Lost in Killarney!

I have been blogging daily since July 31st on Word--saving daily accounts each night since we're finding wireless so infrequently. I have been sitting in another marina's reading room now for a while (a good 15 minute walk from our boat since our marina doesn't have wireless), and feeling like a complete idiot. (I really need Computer 101.) I have tried and tried to copy and paste--and am doing something wrong--I can't get it to work! Neither Geni nor Catherine are available at their cell phones, and there is no one around me who can help! So, I'll try again in the North Channel with my friend Robert from "C-Life" beside me--that should be in a few days. I hate that I cannot post now, because a lot has been going on--all positive. TYJ.

We are in the western most part of the Georgian Bay (Killarney), and will cross over tomorrow into the eastern most part of the North Channel. Little Current is where our next big stop will be, and I should be able to get wireless then. From there, we'll have @ 100 miles before we reach Drummond Island, Michigan, where we'll clear customs and be back into the USA. We have no idea when we'll reach the tip of Michigan--we're having the most wonderful experience up here!

All is well with us and the boat and others--the weather is perfect--Canada is really the place to be in the summer! We're with about 15 other Looper boats, off and on, and all of us are sharing this amazing adventure with such pleasure. We miss our family and friends--and wish each of you could be on this journey with us!


Anonymous said...

Diane & Louis, We read with much sadness and tears about sweet "Buddy" while we were at Camp Woody. We had a great time at the beach with friends and family. We love keeping up with you ---Diane, you should have been a writer!

Safe travels on the rest of this great adventure. Love, Carolyn & Ernie

Anonymous said...

Dear Diane and Louis,
Doug and Gracie and I are so sad to hear about Buddy. You know, Buddy is the one reason we have Gracie. Every time we are down at the coast, which is very often, Gracie wanders down to your yard and we know she is looking for her friend or at least for something good to eat.
Your writings are amazing. We get way behind and then just sit and read and read. We salivate with each ice cream cone and with what must be incredibly good seafood dinners. You both really need to put on swimsuits and take a plunge in the cool water. We miss you. Love, Terry and Doug

Anonymous said...

I am really reliving my youth with you now. I spent many summers in Killarney, and remember almost hitting a wall of rock in some bad weather with my dad at the helm! I also checked in and out of Canada at Little Current many times going to McGregor Bay with some Cincinnati friends. Wish I could see it with you all! Love, Mimi